Recycle or landfill?
Whilst it isn't preferable the quickest way to dispose of our pods is to simply put them into your garbage bin.
If you are willing and able to put in a bit more time and effort, then we can do a little bit better for mother nature by recycling our pods and making use of the coffee grinds. While many other pod brands require you to venture out to a recycling drop off location, ours can be placed into your council recycling bin.
Firstly the foil lid needs to be removed. The lids are too small to recycle on their own, however, they can be collected and combined into a large recyclable container like an aluminium soft drink can and then recycled.
The coffee grinds should be removed - they are great in your garden, veggie patch or home compost; they can also go into your green waste bin.
Lastly the pod should be rinsed off and placed in your recycling bin.
What about the box?

The cardboard box is made from conventional cardboard and can be placed into your recycling bin.
Still have a question?
Check out our FAQ's, send us an email at or call us on 1800 370 656. We’re happy to help!
Toby Strong
Founder & Happiness Hero