Express Pods How to Reset Your Nespresso OriginalLine Machine to Factory Settings Express Pods

How to Reset Your Nespresso OriginalLine Machine to Factory Settings

If you encounter any issues with the extraction of your coffee pods, the first step is to reset your machine back to its factory settings. Common issues that can occur include the size or duration of the extraction and pods getting stuck in your machine.

Extraction issues

When using the Espresso (short shot) button, the extraction of the coffee pod should be between 15-30 seconds and you should be left with around 40ml of smooth coffee with a nice golden crema.

If the extraction is out of this time frame or you’re left with too much or not enough coffee, you may want to try resetting the machine.

Pods getting stuck in the machine

If you have a Nespresso U machine, you may have the issue of pods getting stuck due to the nature of the automatic slider. This is a known fault with this model and has since been discontinued due to this issue. Resetting the machine to factory settings allows you to manually open the slider to remove the pod.

The above tutorial video shows how to reset the Nespresso Essenza Mini machine and below are the steps to follow for other Nespresso OriginaLine machines.

Nespresso Essenza Mini

Nespresso Essenza Mini

  1. Turn off the machine by pressing both buttons
  2. With the machine turned off, press and hold down the Lungo button for 5 seconds.
  3. The LEDs will blink fast 3 times to confirm the machine has been reset to Factory settings.
  4. The LEDs will then continue to blink normally as the machine heats up until it's ready to use.
  5. When the LEDs are steady the machine is ready to use.

Nespresso Lattissima One

Nespresso Lattissima One

  1. Switch the machine on
  2. Remove the milk jug
  3. Press the milk button for 3 seconds to enter Menu mode
  4. The Descaling and clean alert will start blinking
  5. Press the Milk button. The Milk button will blink to indicate reset mode
  6. Press the Milk button again to confirm. All buttons will blink 3 times
  7. The menu will exit automatically, and the machine will be ready to use

Nespresso Inissia

Nespresso Inissia

  1. Turn the machine off
  2. Press and hold down the Lungo button for 5 seconds
  3. The LEDs will blink fast 3 times to indicate it has been reset to factory settings
  4. The LEDs will continue to blink normally as the machine heats up until ready to use
  5. When the lights are steady, the machine is ready

Nespresso Citiz

Nespresso Citiz

  1. Turn the machine off
  2. Press and hold down the Lungo button for 5 seconds
  3. The LEDs will blink fast 3 times to indicate it has been reset to Factory settings
  4. The LEDs will continue to blink normally as the machine heats up until ready to use
  5. When the lights are steady, the machine is ready

Nespresso U

Nespresso U

  1. Press and hold the Espresso & Lungo buttons together for at least 4 seconds
  2. The other button will flash to confirm reset


If you're still having extraction issues after resetting your machine, you may want to try cleaning the grid plate inside the machine with a spare toothbrush. Alternatively you can try descaling your machine. If you want to know how to do this, read our blog here: How to descale your Nespresso OriginalLine Machine

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Toby Strong

Founder & Happiness Hero